All Saints' Church Thornton Hough



Notices 15th September 2024


There will be a coffee morning on Wednesday 25th September at 10:30am in the Parish Hall.  All are invited to come along.

Contributions are invited for the October – November edition of The Magazine.  Articles may be submitted in any reasonable format and should not be subject to any copyright restrictions.  Please send them to or give them to Brian Morris, Patsy Baker or the Vicar.  The deadline for the receipt of material is Tuesday 17th September.

Our Harvest Thanksgiving week begins today (Sunday 15th September). 

  • You are invited to bring thanksgiving gifts for the Wirral Foodbank: please bring them to church from 15th – 22nd September. 
  • Would you like to decorate a window ledge in church for Harvest?  If you are interested, please contact Revd Vicky.
  • Our Harvest Thanksgiving Service is on Sunday 22nd September at 10:30am:  Why not invite a friend or neighbour to join you! 
  • On the same day, at 12 noon we are having our Harvest Lunch: tickets are available now and cost £5 for adults and £2 for children. 

A logo with green leaves

Description automatically generatedWirral Foodbank’s “Harvest” request list: tinned soup, tinned fruit, tinned vegetables, cereal, tinned meat, jam and deodorant.  (They have plenty of beans and pasta.)



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